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Sea of Thieves SDK Guide

Functions and their usage

Useful functions

Function | Description ——– | —————- playerController->ProjectWorldLocationToScreen | WorldToScreen function playerController->LineOfSightTo | Visibility check UCrewFunctions::AreCharactersInSameCrew | Check if both players are in the same crew UGameStateFunctionLibrary::GetAthenaGameStateFromWorld(uWord) | Get the AAthenaGameState UKismetTextLibrary::Conv_TextToString | Convert FText to FString UVectorMaths::Distance | Calculate distance between two FVector URotationMaths::RotatorToQuat | Convert FRotator to FQuat AActor->GetActorForwardVector | Normalized Forward Vector for an actor
UKismetGuidLibrary::IsValid_Guid | Checks if a FGuid is valid UKismetGuidLibrary::EqualEqual_GuidGuid | Compares if two FGuid’s are equal UKismetGuidLibrary::Conv_GuidToString | Converts a FGuid to FString

Math classes


The class got a lot of math functions to work with algebra and time in UE.

Some useful functions, look in the SDK for more:

Function Description
FindLookAtRotation Find a rotation for an object at Start location to point at Target location. (good for aimbot)
Conv_VectorToRotator Return the FRotator orientation corresponding to the direction in which the vector points. (Conv_VectorToRotator(targetLocation - cameraLocation) rotation for an aimbot)
Dot_VectorVector Returns the dot product of two 3d vectors
GetHours Returns hours as int from a FTimespan
GetMinutes Returns minutes as int from a FTimespan
GetSeconds Returns seconds as int from a FTimespan